Hemisphere GNSS introduced GradeMetrix GNSS-based loader solution

Hemisphere GNSS announced the release of the GradeMetrix GNSS-based loader solution. Recognizing the growing global demand and versatility of the loader, Hemisphere has responded with this addition to its GradeMetrix solutions to continue the rapid growth of its global machine control customer base.

“Driven by requests and feedback from our customers and global machine control partners, we felt that the introduction of a GNSS-based loader solution would truly benefit our target audience. Loaders provide users a substantial level of versatility to complete various construction activities and now with the addition of our GradeMetrix based solution, we can also improve their ROI,states Miles Ware, VP of Marketing.

“Hemisphere’s commitment to globally expanding the access to machine control technology continues to be a key component of our growth strategy,said Randy Noland, VP of Global Sales & Business Development. “By adding the GradeMetrix Loader solution, we are increasing the adoption of machine control technology to both new and experienced users in the industry.”

GNSS-based loader solution

GradeMetrix GNSS-based loader solution kits will be available for purchase for new customers. Existing customers will have the option to add loader support to their current GradeMetrix system via a software upgrade and machine activation.

For more information related to the GradeMetrix Loader, visit www.HGNSS.com